Studio Chavarria
Hair Salon
Located in the heart of beautiful downtown Asheville, North Carolina.
Studio Chavarria
Parking is conveniently located directly across from the Rankin parking garage.
How to Contact Us:
We are best reached by contacting our front desk. Our coordinators would love to help you.
For any questions or to make an appointment please call 828.236.9191
At Studio Chavarria, every appointment is very important to us. Your appointment was scheduled just for you; to fit your needs. We ask if for any reason you must cancel or reschedule an appointment, that you provide the courtesy of contacting us within a full 24 hours (at the very minimum.) This allows time to contact the clients on our waiting lists and hopefully fill the gap in our very busy schedules. We do, of course, understand that unavoidable circumstances may arise. We will do our best to work with clients in emergency situations, etc.
If an appointment is cancelled after the 24 hour mark, or a client misses their appointment completely; We require a payment of half of the originally scheduled service. This fee is to compensate your stylist for their time.
Please do not email us with cancellations or if you are looking to book an appointment.
We would love to speak with you for such things!
Please contact our front desk.
Feel free to leave us a message in the form below. We will do our best to respond to you in a timely manner.